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Ojai Explorer Community Outreach and Garage Sale

Nature of Incident: Ojai Explorer Community Outreach and Garage Sale

Location: 820 North Ventura Avenue, Oak View

Date & Time: 12/01/2018 8:00 a.m.


On December 1, 2018, between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., the Ojai Sheriff Explorers Post #2501

will be hosting a Community Outreach and Garage Sale in the community of Oak View at the JJ’s

Sport Zone parking lot (820 North Ventura Avenue). Our goal is to come together as a

community, enjoy complimentary donuts and hot cocoa, all the while buying items at our garage

sale which will assist the Explorers in affording their 2019 membership fees through the Boy

Scouts of America Program.

The Explorer Program is a group of young women and men ranging in ages from 14-20 years

old. They are committed to volunteering their time with events around Ventura County and raise

money through donations and events they host themselves. The Explorers compete in

competitions locally and across the country, have bi-weekly meetings, learn basic law

enforcement tactics, learn how to interact and speak to citizens, and gain more confidence in

themselves as they grow into adulthood.

Please join on us on Saturday to meet the Deputies assigned to the Ojai Police Station along with

supporting our Ojai Explorer Post #2501. We will also have the Ojai Station K-9 “Jago” and his

Handler at the event for a meet and greet! We will be providing Child Print Kits for parents who

are interested in having their child’s fingerprints on file in the event they ever go missing or are

the victim of a crime. Donations for the print kits are encouraged, but they are free of charge.

Prepared by:

Deputy K. Torres

News Release Date: 11/30/2018

Media Follow-Up Contact: Deputy Katie Torres 805-947-8060

Approved by: Captain James Fryhoff
